Cov Networks
Cov Networks
Matt Aalseth

Welcome to Cov Networks

Join us for resources and connection with other ministry leaders.

About Me

Welcome to Cov Networks!

We're a community of church staff, administrators, operations, and facilities managers who are known, resourced, and connected.

What to Expect from our Cov Networks-Mighty Network...

A Church Staff Community: Cov Networks is an online community for church staff, administrators, operations, and facilities managers.  It's a place where we can share resources and information that pertain to the running of the church. Mighty Networks provides a platform that is a closed, member-only space to safely share resources without the distractions found on other group space platforms.

Resources: Topics will include facilities use and management; finance including budgeting, insurance, contracts, taxes, and more; Human Resources including forms and templates, and information to keep you compliant; and general administration such as communication, office management, social media, and marketing. 

Resource Exchange: Do you have a great plumber?  How about a fire security engineering company? Legal counsel, who specializes in church-related concerns? Let's share!  We will set up a system that can be searched by geographic region because an electrician in LA doesn't help a church in Oakland. You will share your great connections with your fellow churches so they can benefit from their great service.

Conference Connections: Each Conference has their own Conference Space in our Mighty Network.  Click the "See More" button to view all of the available spaces to join.  When you find your Conference, click "Join" to be added to the group.  Within our smaller Conference Spaces, you can sign up for Conference Events, plan collaborative events, and get to know those serving close to you.

Online Gatherings: We want to provide our church staff leaders with a space to get together online for regular encouragement, equipping, and connection.  The majority of our church staff aren't connected.  We'd like to change that!

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." (Hebrews 10:24 NIV)

Why You Should Join Me

Isolation and stagnation are the enemies of good ministry.  When you join CovNetworks, you'll be surrounded by a community of Ministry Leaders who are committed to knowing one another, sharing their resources and striving to get better at reaching people and helping them walk with Jesus for a lifetime.

A Big Thanks

This Mighty Network would not be possible without the support of some wonderful administrators in our PSWC Churches!  A big shout out to Nina who's helping us curate a suite of resources for churches to have at their fingertips instead of searching the internet endlessly!